根据国家统计局2020年人权尽职调查评估的结果, supporting and upholding minority rights represents an area of particular importance and focus moving forward.
国家统计局努力创造一个以平等为特征的工作环境, 多样性, 尊重所有人, 关注那些历史上被边缘化的人, 代表人数不足的, 或者被排除在外. 这样做, mg游戏官方网站致力于在工作场所创造机会,打破障碍, 供应链, 以及在公司运营的社区内.
国家寻求保护和支持国家或民族, 文化, 宗教, 以及可能受到公司商业活动影响的语言认同. In light of mg游戏官方网站’s belief in the important role diverse backgrounds and skills have to play in the success of its business, the company also actively promotes inclusivity through strong global policies on labour practices.
此外, mg游戏官方网站努力实施针对具体国家的战略, and to develop internal initiatives aimed at preventing discrimination and enabling equal opportunities for all through considerations of gender, 比赛, 残疾, 学习和思考的差异(“神经多样性”). 通过更广泛地看待包容,超越对性别的单一关注, mg游戏官方网站 aims to create policies and practices that accurately reflect the 多样性 of the people and communities the company works alongside on a daily basis.
当出现在mg游戏官方网站运营的地方时, the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples are a priority area that mg游戏官方网站 seeks to manage through effective and meaningful collaboration with local impacted groups.
在项目可能影响到土著和部落人民等弱势群体的情况下, 影响应根据国家的承诺进行评估, 以及法律要求. 特定地点的文化和宗教意义, 土地所有权问题, and potential for conflict are all considered and addressed in consultation with local communities and groups.
尽最大可能, mg游戏官方网站 seeks to manage any potential impacts early in the project process in order to allow for sufficient time and resources to address issues that may arise. mg游戏官方网站团队致力于建立, 建筑, 并在信任的基础上与当地人保持关系, which allows them to navigate situations characterised by conflicts of interest and ultimately arrive at solutions that everyone can live with.
The topic is highly specific to each construction project due to the necessity of taking local circumstances and context into account. 结果是, mg游戏官方网站 is dedicated to devising individualised strategies that do not fall into a one-size-fits-all approach. We seek to continuously improve our approach and use lessons learned as input to further development.
Fosen Supreme Court judgement necessitates renewed process to ensure that the indigenous communities at Fosen can continue exercising their culture
2021年10月, the Norwegian Supreme Court rejected the petition from Fosen Vind regarding the setting of damages for two Sami sijte (reindeer husbandry groups) in connection with the Roan and Storheia projects, 这些都是福森风力发电场开发的一部分. The reason for the rejection was that the Supreme Court found the licences were invalid as they violated the indigenous rights of the Sami sijte under Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Court found that the impact the wind parks could have on the reindeers’ winter grazing areas entailed a clear risk that the Sami sijte, 从长远来看, 将不得不大幅减少他们的动物数量吗. The conclusion was that this would have a substantially negative effect on their ability to exercise their nomadic culture, 除非实施了令人满意的缓解措施. The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) has confirmed that no immediate measures will be taken in relation to the concession while the work to identify appropriate mitigating measures to be implemented is ongoing.
Both mg游戏官方网站 and Fosen Vind have a clear commitment to respect human rights and adhere to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. 除了标准的影响评估程序, 对福森土著社区的潜在影响进行全面审查, 作为原始许可程序的一部分. This included extensive dialogue and engagement with the Sør-Fosen sijte and Nord-Fosen siida, 驯鹿牧区内的两个驯鹿牧区, 公司和有关部门都同意. The companies acted in faith that the licences awarded in 2013 did not violate the Sami groups’ indigenous rights.
An agreement for the construction phase of the projects was reached between Fosen Vind and Sør-Fosen sijte and Nord-Fosen siida. 不幸的是, no agreement could be reached for the operations phase and the issue of compensation for this phase was therefore brought to the courts for resolution. 根据最高法院的判决, MPE has outlined an administrative process with the aim to identify mitigation measures that safeguard the reindeer herders’ right to 文化 practice and maintain reindeer husbandry at Fosen in the long-term. MPE will consider relevant changes to the wind park licences to ensure the protection of Sami’s indigenous rights. 鉴于mg线上电子游戏对尊重人权的承诺, Fosen Vind and mg游戏官方网站 will support this process and have proposed an impact assessment programme, 按MPE的要求.
Fosen Vind will continue the dialogue with Sør-Fosen sijte with the aim of adopting appropriate mitigating measures that safeguard the reindeer herders’ 文化 rights in line with Article 27, 短期和长期都有. Fosen Vind has also outlined a plan for our emergency preparedness to help Sør-Fosen sijte in the event of a challenging grazing situation during the winter 2021/2022. We will continue the dialogue with the Ministry and other relevant stakeholders and contribute to the development of a satisfactory impact assessment programme. 进一步资料见合并财务报表附注35 www.fosenvind.no.
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In order to provide more people with renewable energy, we must work with a variety of stakeholders. That's why we work to create an open dialogue around sustainability issues with all stakeholders who...